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Top Level :: Images :: qb :: 2.4.0

qb 2.4.0

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Package Information
Summary Accelerator designed mainly for graphic work
Maintainers Chung Leong < cleong728 at gmail dot com > (lead) [details]
License PHP License
Description QB stands for "Quick Binary." It's a PHP extension designed to enable faster handling of binary data. It takes a function written in PHP and translate it for a specialized virtual machine. The use of static type information leads significantly higher performance than under PHP's regular dynamic type system. A PHP+QB function can run anywhere from five to twenty times faster than regular PHP code. For even higher level of performance, one can compile PHP+QB functions to native code (on supported platforms).

QB performs code translation on a per-function basis. It does not affect in anyway code not specially marked. Interaction between PHP+QB functions and regular PHP code is basically seamless. A key design objective of QB is to let developers harness greater processing power than what baseline PHP offers without the risk involved in adopting a brand new platform.
Homepage http://www.php-qb.net
Release notes
Version 2.4.0
Added option to emit errors as exceptions
Fixed issue #36 - Incorrect cast to int
Fixed issue #39 - Incompatibility with namespace usage
Fixed issue #40 - Incompatibility with namespace usage
Fixed issue #42 - Inability to append to array
Fixed issue #43 - Segfault when opcache is used
Fixed issue #46 - Incorrect array size when initialized with empty array
Fixed issue #48 - Memory-mapped file don't get released on function exit
Fixed issue #49 - Multiple static arrays cause failure to compile to native code
Fixed issue #50 - Cannot pass GD image as int8[][4]
Fixed issue $51 - Multithreading fails when pcntl_fork() is used

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Dependencies for release 2.4.0
PHP Version: PHP 5.2.0 or newer
PEAR Package: PEAR 1.4.8 or newer
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