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Top Level :: Images :: imagick :: 3.6.0RC1

imagick 3.6.0RC1

Package Information
Summary Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick library.
Maintainers Jakub Zelenka < jakub dot php at gmail dot com > (lead) [details]
Dan Ackroyd (lead) [wishlist] [details]
License PHP License
Description Imagick is a native php extension to create and modify images using the ImageMagick API.
This extension requires ImageMagick version 6.5.3-10+ and PHP 5.6.0+.
Homepage https://phpimagick.com
Release notes
Version 3.6.0RC1
- Imagick::getImageInterlaceScheme is undeprecated. It's the appropriate function to call to get the image interlace setting.
- Image formats are now normalised to lower case.
- Imagick::getImageIndex and Imagick::setImageIndex are undeprecated and work on ImageMagick 7. They call MagickGetIteratorIndex and MagickSetIteratorIndex internally.
- Imagick::averageImages is undeprecated. For IM 7 it now calls EvaluateImages(wand->images,MeanEvaluateOperator).
- Imagick::flattenImages is undeprecated. For IM 7 it now calls MagickMergeImageLayers(intern->magick_wand, FlattenLayer); internally.
- Imagick::getImageSize is undeprecated. For IM 7 it now calls MagickGetImageLength internally.
- Imagick::roundCornersImage is undeprecated and available on IM7.
- Fixes:
* Imagick::borderImage() changed internally to use OverCompositeOp rather than AtopCompositeOp for ImageMagick > 7. If you need the old behaviour, please use Imagick::borderImageWithComposite() instead, which allows you to set the composite method.
* Imagick::frameImage() changed internally to use OverCompositeOp rather than AtopCompositeOp for ImageMagick > 7. If you need the old behaviour, please use Imagick::frameImageWithComposite() instead, which allows you to set the composite method.
* Imagick::profileImage() fixed to allow null as second paramter again. If you can't upgrade to this version yet, pass in "", which has the same effect.
* Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_COPY and Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_OPAQUE should be available on IM7.
* Imagick::setImageMatteColor() should be available on IM7.
- Added:
* Imagick::borderImageWithComposite() same as Imagick::borderImage() but allows user to set composite operator used.
* Imagick::frameImageWithComposite() same as Imagick::frameImage() but allows user to set composite operator used.
* function Imagick::cannyEdgeImage
* function Imagick::setSeed
* function Imagick::waveletDenoiseImage
* function Imagick::meanShiftImage
* function Imagick::kmeansImage
* function Imagick::rangeThresholdImage
* function Imagick::autoThresholdImage
* function Imagick::bilateralBlurImage
* function Imagick::claheImage
* function Imagick::channelFxImage
* function Imagick::colorThresholdImage
* function Imagick::complexImages
* function Imagick::interpolativeResizeImage
* function Imagick::levelImageColors
* function Imagick::levelizeImage
* function Imagick::orderedDitherImage
* function Imagick::whiteBalanceImage

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