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xdebug 3.1.0

Package Information
Summary Xdebug is a debugging and productivity extension for PHP
Maintainers Derick Rethans < derick at php dot net > (lead) [wishlist] [details]
License Xdebug-1.03
Description Xdebug and provides a range of features to improve the PHP development

Step Debugging
A way to step through your code in your IDE or editor while the script is

Improvements to PHP's error reporting
An improved var_dump() function, stack traces for Notices, Warnings, Errors
and Exceptions to highlight the code path to the error

Writes every function call, with arguments and invocation location to disk.
Optionally also includes every variable assignment and return value for
each function.

Allows you, with the help of visualisation tools, to analyse the
performance of your PHP application and find bottlenecks.

Code Coverage Analysis
To show which parts of your code base are executed when running unit tests
with PHP Unit.
Homepage https://xdebug.org/
Release notes
Version 3.1.0
Mon, Oct 04, 2021 - Xdebug 3.1.0

= Fixed bugs:

- Fixed issue #1472: Add assignments to computer readable trace format
- Fixed issue #1537: Add links to documentation to various different "features" after wizard has run
- Fixed issue #1738: Add xdebug_notify() function to send data through DBGp to a debugging client
- Fixed issue #1853: Enable profile compression for cachegrind files
- Fixed issue #1890: Add connected client and protocol features to diagnostic page
- Fixed issue #1898: API for querying the currently active mode(s)
- Fixed issue #1933: Allow for cloud ID to be set through the trigger
- Fixed issue #1938: Branches in traits aren’t marked as executed
- Fixed issue #1948: Do not redirect warning and error messages to PHP's error log if an Xdebug log is active
- Fixed issue #1949: private properties for internal classes can't be fetched for debugging
- Fixed issue #1963: php exit code = -1073741819 when xdebug.mode = off (Windows Thread Safe Only)
- Fixed issue #1969: Provide breakpoint ID / info in DBGp run command responses
- Fixed issue #1970: xdebug_get_function_stack with unnamed (internal) parameters have wrong index
- Fixed issue #1972: Add support for PHP 8.1 Fibers
- Fixed issue #1974: Add gzip support to trace files
- Fixed issue #1976: Switch debug session cookie to Lax, and remove expiry time
- Fixed issue #1978: Xdebug's log messages are cut off at 512 bytes
- Fixed issue #1980: PHP 8.1: Mark enum classes as "enum"
- Fixed issue #1986: Add support for multiple trigger values
- Fixed issue #1989: Profiling does not output correct class when parent keyword is used
- Fixed issue #1992: Code Coverage with filter produces Segmentation fault on xdebug_stop_code_coverage()
- Fixed issue #1993: eval-ing broken code causes stepping to break
- Fixed issue #1996: Add support for Closure visualisation in traces, debugging, and Xdebug's var_dump
- Fixed issue #1997: Added xdebug_connect_to_client() to attempt a debugging connect while running code
- Fixed issue #1998: Double facet attribute generated for enums that are stored in properties
- Fixed issue #1999: Add "readonly" facet to PHP 8.1 readonly properties
- Fixed issue #2001: Add 'xdebug.use_compression' setting to turn on/off compression for profiling files
- Fixed issue #2004: Figure out what "XDEBUG_SHOW_FNAME_TODO" define is for
- Fixed issue #2007: xdebug 3.x fails to build on OS X 10.11 or earlier due to clock_gettime_nsec_np requirement
- Fixed issue #2008: Using the XDEBUG_SESSION cookie could bypass shared-secret checks
- Fixed issue #2009: xdebug_stop_code_coverage's argument has type mismatch
- Fixed issue #2011: Closures as protected properties have double facet XML attribute
- Fixed issue #2013: Support PHP 8.1
- Fixed issue #2018: zlib compression support on Windows
- Fixed issue #2019: Xdebug crash because of uninitialized memory
- Fixed issue #2020: segfault if xdebug.dump.GET=* and integer key without value in URL
- Fixed issue #2021: Segmentation fault due to NULL bytes in internal anonymous class names
- Fixed issue #2025: Anonymous classes which extend are not detected as anonymous classes since PHP 8.0

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