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Top Level :: PHP :: xdebug :: 3.0.0RC1

xdebug 3.0.0RC1

Package Information
Summary Xdebug is a debugging and productivity extension for PHP
Maintainers Derick Rethans < derick at php dot net > (lead) [wishlist] [details]
License Xdebug-1.03
Description Xdebug and provides a range of features to improve the PHP development

Step Debugging
A way to step through your code in your IDE or editor while the script is

Improvements to PHP's error reporting
An improved var_dump() function, stack traces for Notices, Warnings, Errors
and Exceptions to highlight the code path to the error

Writes every function call, with arguments and invocation location to disk.
Optionally also includes every variable assignment and return value for
each function.

Allows you, with the help of visualisation tools, to analyse the
performance of your PHP application and find bottlenecks.

Code Coverage Analysis
To show which parts of your code base are executed when running unit tests
with PHP Unit.
Homepage https://xdebug.org/
Release notes
Version 3.0.0RC1
Mon, Nov 16, 2020 - xdebug 3.0.0RC1

This is a BETA release, and not ready for production environments.

Xdebug 3 has many changes. Please read the upgrade guide at

Xdebug 3 documentation is available at https://3.xdebug.org/docs


+ Improvements:

- Implemented issue #1814: Don't obtain the current time when it's not needed
- Implemented issue #1885: Change xdebug.start_with_ settings to PHP_INI_SYSTEM|PHP_INI_PERDIR

- Removed features:

- Implemented issue #1016: Removed support for pause-execution (introduced in beta1)
- Implemented issue #1868: Remove xdebug_disable and xdebug_enabled
- Implemented issue #1883: Function xdebug_is_enabled has been removed

= Fixed bugs:

- Fixed issue #1608: XDEBUG_CONFIG env var make sessions automatically START ever (at least send the XDEBUG_SESSION cookie)
- Fixed issue #1757: Pause-execution feature degrades performance
- Fixed issue #1864: Incompatibility with PCS and protobuf extensions
- Fixed issue #1870: XDEBUG_SESSION_START URL parameter does not override XDEBUG_SESSION cookie
- Fixed issue #1871: The "idekey" is not set when debugging is started through XDEBUG_SESSION cookie
- Fixed issue #1873: xdebug_info() segfaults if the diagnostic buffer is empty
- Fixed issue #1874: Incompatibility with protobuf extension
- Fixed issue #1875: Overflow with large amounts of elements for variadics
- Fixed issue #1878: Compilation failure: Socket options TCP_KEEPCNT and TCP_KEEPINTVL do not exist on Solaris 10 Sparc
- Fixed issue #1880: Bundled unit test tests/debugger/bug00886.phar misses to load phar extension
- Fixed issue #1887: Crash bug with xdebug_call_class and xdebug_call_file

+ Documentation

- Fixed issue #1865: Document XDEBUG_TRIGGER environment variable
- Fixed issue #1866: Document comma separated xdebug.mode values
- Fixed issue #1884: Document where Xdebug's settings can be set

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