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swoole 6.0.0

Package Information
Summary Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.
Maintainers Han Tianfeng < rango at swoole dot com > (lead) [details]
Bruce Dou < doubaokun at php dot net > (developer) [details]
Lufei < lufei at php dot net > (developer) [details]
License Apache2.0
Description Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.
- event-driven
- coroutine
- asynchronous non-blocking
- multi-thread reactor
- multi-process worker
- multi-protocol
- millisecond timer
- built-in tcp/http/websocket/http2 server
- coroutine tcp/http/websocket client
- coroutine mysql client
- coroutine redis client
- coroutine read/write file system
- coroutine dns lookup
- support IPv4/IPv6/UnixSocket/TCP/UDP
- support SSL/TLS encrypted transmission
Homepage https://github.com/swoole/swoole-src
Release notes
Version 6.0.0
- Added multi-threading support, require the ZTS version of PHP. Add `--enable-swoole-thread` option to the configure command to activate it.
- Added a new thread class `Swoole\Thread`. @matyhtf
- Introduced thread lock `Swoole\Thread\Lock`. @matyhtf
- Added thread atomic counter `Swoole\Thread\Atomic`, `Swoole\Thread\Atomic\Long`. @matyhtf
- Added safe concurrent containers `Swoole\Thread\Map`, `Swoole\Thread\ArrayList`, `Swoole\Thread\Queue`. @matyhtf
- The file asynchronous operation supports using `io_uring` as the underlying engine for file asynchronous operations. When liburing is installed and Swoole is compiled with the --enable-iouring option, the asynchronous operations of functions such as file_get_contents, file_put_contents, fopen, fclose, fread, fwrite, mkdir, unlink, fsync, fdatasync, rename, fstat, lstat, and filesize will be implemented by io_uring. @matyhtf @NathanFreeman
- Upgraded `Boost Context` to version 1.84. Now, Loongson CPUs can also support coroutines. @NathanFreeman
- Added `Swoole\Thread\Map::find()` method. @matyhtf
- Added `Swoole\Thread\ArrayList::find()` method. @matyhtf
- Added `Swoole\Thread\ArrayList::offsetUnset()` method. @matyhtf
- Added `Swoole\Process::getAffinity()` method. @matyhtf
- Added `Swoole\Thread::setName()` method. @matyhtf
- Added `Swoole\Thread::setAffinity()` method. @matyhtf
- Added `Swoole\Thread::getAffinity()` method. @matyhtf
- Added `Swoole\Thread::setPriority()` method. @matyhtf
- Added `Swoole\Thread::getPriority()` method. @matyhtf
- Added `Swoole\Thread::gettid()` method.
- The file asynchronous engine `iouring` supports multi-threaded polling mode `IORING_SETUP_SQPOLL`. @NathanFreeman
- Added `iouring_workers` to modify the number of `iouring` threads. @NathanFreeman
- Added `iouring_flags` to support modifying the `iouring` working mode. @NathanFreeman
- Added `Swoole\Thread\Barrier` for multi-thread synchronization barrier. @matyhtf
- Added new function and class to set cookies. @matyhtf @NathanFreeman
- Added `non-blocking, reentrant coroutine mutex lock`, which can be used between processes/threads without blocking them. @NathanFreeman
- `Swoole\Coroutine\Socket::getOption()` supports the `TCP_INFO` option. @matyhtf
- `Swoole\Client` synchronous blocking client supports `http` proxy. @matyhtf
- Added asynchronous non-blocking `TCP/UDP/Unix socket` client `Swoole\Async\Client`. @matyhtf
- Optimized the `Swoole\Redis\Server::format()` method to support zero-copy memory, support `redis` nested structure. @matyhtf
- Supports the high-performance compression tool `Zstd`. You only need to add `--enable-zstd` when compiling `Swoole`, and then `zstd` can be used to compress or decode responses between the `http` client and server. @NathanFreeman
- Fixed the issue where installation via `pecl` was not possible. @remicollet
- Fixed the bug where setting `keepalive` was not possible for `Swoole\Coroutine\FastCGI\Client`. @NathanFreeman
- Fixed the issue where exceeding the `max_input_vars` would throw an error, causing the process to restart repeatedly. @NathanFreeman
- Fixed unknown issues caused by using `Swoole\Event::wait()` within a coroutine. @matyhtf
- Fixed the problem where `proc_open` does not support pty in coroutine mode. @matyhtf
- Fixed segmentation fault issues with `pdo_sqlite` on PHP 8.3. @NathanFreeman
- Fixed unnecessary warnings during the compilation of `Swoole`. @Appla @NathanFreeward
- Fixed the error thrown by zend_fetch_resource2_ex when `STDOUT/STDERR` are already closed. @Appla @matyhtf
- Fixed ineffective `set_tcp_nodelay` configuration. @matyhtf
- Fixed the occasional unreachable branch issue during file upload. @NathanFreeman
- Fixed the problem where setting `dispatch_func` would cause PHP's internals to throw errors. @NathanFreeman
- Fixed the deprecation of AC_PROG_CC_C99 in autoconf >= 2.70. @petk
- Capture exceptions when thread creation fails. @matyhtf
- Fixed the undefined problem with `_tsrm_ls_cache`. @jingjingxyk
- Fixed the fatal compile error with `GCC 14`. @remicollet
- Fixed the dynamic property issue in `Swoole\Http2\Request`. @guandeng
- Fixed the occasional resource unavailability issue in the `pgsql` coroutine client. @NathanFreeman
- Fixed the issue of 503 errors due to not resetting related parameters during process restart. @matyhtf
- Fixed the inconsistency between `$request->server['request_method']` and `$request->getMethod()` when `HTTP2` is enabled. @matyhtf
- Fixed incorrect `content-type` when uploading files. @matyhtf
- Fixed code errors in the `http2` coroutine client. @matyhtf
- Fixed the missing `worker_id` property in `Swoole\Server`. @cjavad
- Fixed errors related to `brotli` in `config.m4`. @fundawang
- Fixed the invalid `Swoole\Http\Response::create` under multi-threading. @matyhtf
- Fixed compilation errors in the `macos` environment. @matyhtf
- Fixed the issue of threads not being able to exit safely. @matyhtf
- Fixed the issue where the static variable for response time returned by `Swoole\Http\Response` in multi-threaded mode was not generated separately for each thread. @matyhtf @NathanFreeman
- Fixed `Fatal error` issue caused by `PHP-8.4`'s `timeout` feature in ZTS mode. @matyhtf
- Fixed compatibility issue with the `exit()` `hook` function for `PHP-8.4`. @remicollet
- Fixed the issue where `Swoole\Thread::getNativeId()` did not work in `cygwin`. @matyhtf
- Fixed the issue causing `SIGSEGV` in `Swoole\Coroutine::getaddrinfo()` method. @matyhtf
- Fixed the issue where the runtime TCP module did not support dynamically enabling SSL encryption. @matyhtf
- Fixed the issue where the HTTP client had an incorrect timeout after running for a long time. @matyhtf
- Fixed the problem where the mutex lock of `Swoole\Table` could not be used before the process exited. @matyhtf
- Fixed the failure of `Swoole\Server::stop()` when using named parameters. @matyhtf
- Fixed the crash caused by `Swoole\Thread\Map::toArray()` not copying the key. @matyhtf
- Fixed the issue of being unable to delete nested numeric keys in `Swoole\Thread\Map`. @matyhtf
- Removed unnecessary checks for `socket structs`. @petk
- Upgraded Swoole Library. @deminy
- Added support for status code 451 in `Swoole\Http\Response`. @abnegate
- Synchronized `file` operation code across different PHP versions. @NathanFreeman
- Synchronized `pdo` operation code across different PHP versions. @NathanFreeman
- Optimized the code for `Socket::ssl_recv()`. @matyhtf
- Improved config.m4; some configurations can now set library locations via `pkg-config`. @NathanFreeman
- Optimized the use of dynamic arrays during `request header parsing`. @NathanFreeman
- Optimized file descriptor `fd` lifecycle issues in multi-threading mode. @matyhtf
- Optimized some fundamental coroutine logic. @matyhtf
- Upgraded the Oracle database version for CI testing. @gvenzl
- Optimized the underlying logic of `sendfile`. @matyhtf
- Replaced `PHP_DEF_HAVE` with `AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED` in `config.m4`. @petk
- Optimized the logic related to `heartbeat`, `shutdown`, and `stop` for the server in multi-threaded mode. @matyhtf
- Optimized to avoid linking `librt` when `glibc` version is greater than 2.17. @matyhtf
- Enhanced the HTTP client to accept duplicate request headers. @matyhtf
- Optimized `Swoole\Http\Response::write()`. @matyhtf
- `Swoole\Http\Response::write()` can now send HTTP/2 protocol. @matyhtf
- Compatible with `PHP 8.4`. @matyhtf @NathanFreeman
- Added the ability for asynchronous writing at the underlying socket level. @matyhtf
- Optimized `Swoole\Http\Response`. @NathanFreeman
- Improved underlying error messages. @matyhtf
- Supported sharing PHP native sockets in multi-threaded mode. @matyhtf
- Optimized static file service and fixed static file path error issues. @matyhtf
- Multi-thread mode `SWOOLE_THREAD` supports restarting worker threads. @matyhtf
- Multi-thread mode `SWOOLE_THREAD` supports starting timers in the `Manager` thread. @matyhtf
- Compatible with the `curl` extension of `PHP-8.4`. @matyhtf @NathanFreeman
- Rewrite the underlying `Swoole` code using `iouring`. @matyhtf @NathanFreeman
- Optimized timers so that synchronous processes do not depend on signals. @matyhtf
- Optimized the `Swoole\Coroutine\System::waitSignal()` method to allow listening to multiple signals simultaneously. @matyhtf
- No longer supports `PHP 8.0`.
- No longer supports `Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL` coroutine client.
- No longer supports `Swoole\Coroutine\Redis` coroutine client.
- No longer supports `Swoole\Coroutine\PostgreSQL` coroutine client.
- Removed `Swoole\Coroutine\System::fread()`, `Swoole\Coroutine\System::fwrite()`, and `Swoole\Coroutine\System::fgets()` methods.

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Dependencies for release 6.0.0
PHP Version: PHP 8.1.0 or newer
PEAR Package: PEAR 1.4.0 or newer
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All rights reserved.
Last updated: Thu Mar 21 17:05:02 2024 UTC
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