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Top Level :: Event :: swoole :: 4.2.11

swoole 4.2.11

Package Information
Summary Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.
Maintainers Han Tianfeng < rango at swoole dot com > (lead) [details]
Bruce Dou < doubaokun at php dot net > (developer) [details]
Lufei < lufei at php dot net > (developer) [details]
License Apache2.0
Description Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP.
- event-driven
- coroutine
- asynchronous non-blocking
- multi-thread reactor
- multi-process worker
- multi-protocol
- millisecond timer
- built-in tcp/http/websocket/http2 server
- coroutine tcp/http/websocket client
- coroutine mysql client
- coroutine redis client
- coroutine read/write file system
- coroutine dns lookup
- support IPv4/IPv6/UnixSocket/TCP/UDP
- support SSL/TLS encrypted transmission
Homepage https://github.com/swoole/swoole-src
Release notes
Version 4.2.11
+ Support Timer in manager processes
+ Added DNS cache to improve the connection speed of external network services, default TTL60s, capacity 1000 (#2250)
+ When swoole_strerror the second param is 9, it will convert the swoole-specific error code into the text
* Fixed the problem that the connection timeout does not take effect after the client triggers the DNS query. It may cause the coroutine to hang for a long time and connection resource occupation, please update the affected version (v4.2.10) as soon as possible
* Restore Co\Client backward compatibility, connect timeout parameter will change the default timeout of the client
* Fixed the problem that the change does not take place immediately when the client calls the `set` method after the connection
* Fixed the problem that the error code was not updated after the MySQL handshake failed (#2234)
* Fixed a memory error caused by buffer expansion when MySQL executed a large amount of data (e3c5a28)
* Fixed static compilation problem (#2230)
* Async write files to increase the reference count to prevent premature shutdown (028ddf4)
* Fixed Redis Client use illegal parameter would lead to coredump (5af9f3d)
* Fixed the bug that `stack_size` set by `Co::set` is set to the page size of the PHP stack. It is recommended to use the configuration name of `c_stack_size`. Please do not set it without knowing. If your application has C extension hook to zend_execute, you need to pay special attention to setting the C stack, or you don't need to set it
- Remove `enable-debug-log` from PECL compilation configure option, kernel debug logs must be compiled manually to enable

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