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Top Level :: Database :: mongodb :: 1.10.0

mongodb 1.10.0

Package Information
Summary MongoDB driver for PHP
Maintainers Jeremy Mikola (lead) [details]
Katherine Walker (developer) [details]
Andreas Braun (lead) [details]
Derick Rethans (lead) [inactive] [wishlist] [details]
Hannes Magnusson (lead) [inactive] [details]
License Apache License
Description The purpose of this driver is to provide exceptionally thin glue between MongoDB
and PHP, implementing only fundamental and performance-critical components
necessary to build a fully-functional MongoDB driver.
Homepage https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/php-drivers/
Release notes
Version 1.10.0
** Bug
* [PHPC-1420] - Using replicaSet triggers __fortify_fail() from /lib64/libc.so.6
* [PHPC-1529] - Reset libmongocrypt's key vault client after forking
* [PHPC-1720] - Move mongoc_client_set_error_api after check for null client pointer
* [PHPC-1721] - Fix argument order for some ecalloc function calls
* [PHPC-1722] - Persistent clients and their HashTable should be destroyed in GSHUTDOWN
* [PHPC-1870] - Fix zSeries build failure due to redefinition of WORDS_BIGENDIAN
* [PHPC-1879] - Session::getTransactionOptions() leaks mongoc_transaction_opt_t

** Epic
* [PHPC-1666] - Allow per-client event subscribers
* [PHPC-1731] - Versioned MongoDB API for Drivers
* [PHPC-1756] - Remove all oppressive and unnecessarily gendered language from driver projects

** New Feature
* [PHPC-1645] - Allow disabling of libmongoc client persistence
* [PHPC-1684] - Support Azure and GCP keystores in FLE
* [PHPC-1716] - Allow configuring ServerApi in Manager class
* [PHPC-1804] - Implement Manager::addSubscriber and removeSubscriber

** Task
* [PHPC-1513] - Remove php_phongo_cursor_to_zval
* [PHPC-1685] - Drop support for PHP 7.0
* [PHPC-1782] - Support Removal of Several Platform Builds
* [PHPC-1792] - Update copyright years in file headers
* [PHPC-1835] - Rotate credentials and environment vars for Atlas connectivity tests
* [PHPC-1841] - Remove oppressive language from the documentation
* [PHPC-1842] - Remove oppressive language from the source code
* [PHPC-1848] - Test against 5.0 servers
* [PHPC-1864] - Cut 5.0 Compat. GA Release
* [PHPC-1866] - Specify 5.0 cursor behaviour
* [PHPC-1872] - Fix server-executeQuery-008.phpt for RS config with arbiter
* [PHPC-1877] - MongoDB 5.0.0-rc2 cannot be downloaded on rhel71-power8

** Improvement
* [PHPC-1366] - Declare libbson vtable in MINIT instead of using a global
* [PHPC-1367] - Move libmongoc init/cleanup within scope of custom libbson vtable
* [PHPC-1474] - Expose transaction information in debug info for session
* [PHPC-1490] - Add support for var_export() and __set_state() in CursorId.c
* [PHPC-1681] - Support parsing $uuid as extended JSON representation for subtype 4 binary
* [PHPC-1737] - Use zend_hash_graceful_reverse_destroy to free persistent client HashTable
* [PHPC-1753] - Define error handling behavior of writeErrors and writeConcernError on Mongos
* [PHPC-1754] - Drivers should not inspect error messages for "not master" or "node is recovering"
* [PHPC-1762] - Expose the Reason an Operation Fails Document Validation
* [PHPC-1765] - Mitigate pain of using field names with dots and dollars
* [PHPC-1791] - Specify correct return type in __set_state protos
* [PHPC-1798] - Update serverSelectionTimeoutMS of MongoClient to mongocryptd
* [PHPC-1803] - Use "hello" command when API Version is declared
* [PHPC-1813] - Unpin session after aborting a transaction
* [PHPC-1821] - Driver Handling of DBRefs
* [PHPC-1836] - Remove slaveOK connection string option from URI parsing
* [PHPC-1840] - Use "hello" command for monitoring if supported
* [PHPC-1855] - Bump maxWireVersion for MongoDB 5.0

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