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Top Level :: Database :: mongodb :: 0.4.0

mongodb 0.4.0

Package Information
Summary MongoDB driver for PHP
Maintainers Jeremy Mikola (lead) [details]
Katherine Walker (developer) [details]
Andreas Braun (lead) [details]
Derick Rethans (lead) [inactive] [wishlist] [details]
Hannes Magnusson (lead) [inactive] [details]
License Apache License
Description The purpose of this driver is to provide exceptionally thin glue between MongoDB
and PHP, implementing only fundamental and performance-critical components
necessary to build a fully-functional MongoDB driver.
Homepage https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/php-drivers/
Release notes
Version 0.4.0
* PHPC-234: Run test suite automatically on FreeBSD 10.1
* PHPC-235: Fix out-of-src builds on FreeBSD
* PHPC-213: Disable extra bson type alignment
* PHPC-233: Mark the ctor as private for internally created value objects
* PHPC-80: Create distcheck target
* PHPC-231: Manager instances should not free streams that are still in use
* bump dependencies for PHPC-231 & PHPC-213
* PHPC-232: Fix capitalization for WriteResult::getWriteConcern()
* PHPC-231: Regression test for Manager destruct stream freeing
* PHPC-215: Fix Cursor iteration through IteratorIterator
* PHPC-225: Test Cursor::isDead() and kill on destruct
* PHPC-224: Consolidate Result and Cursor classes into one
* PHPC-224: Remove Cursor class, which implements Iterator
* PHPC-207: Correct serialized data examples for ODS documentation
* PHPC-210 & PHPC-209 & PHPC-207 Fix BSON ODM/ODS
* PHPC-208: Restrict ODS to "__pclass" fieldnames
* PHPC-194: Implement Manager::selectServer() method to wrap SDAM server selection
* PHPC-190: Provide __wakeUp() to disable unserialize()
* PHPC-191 && PHPC-192: Add verify_expiry && verify_peer_name certificate verify options
* PHPC-223: Use explicit SSL options rather then stream context
* PHPC-222: WriteConcernError can cause segfaults on Ubuntu Precise 32bit
* PHPC-220: BSON\UTCDatetime broken on 32bit
* PHPC-221: Add Ubuntu Precise (12.04.5) 32bit image
* PHPC-219 - BSON\Javascript segfaults on Ubuntu Precise 32bit
* PHPC-221: Rename the identifier to precise64 as we'll be adding 32bit soon
* PHPC-204: Result::toArray() should respect type map configuration
* PHPC-203: Result::toArray() should proxy iterator_to_array($this)
* PHPC-214: Result does not need custom iterator classes
* PHPC-216: PHP5.5 change the prototype of get_current_key leading to
* PHPC-216: Include our pem files in the pecl archive
* PHPC-216: Use array(), not [], for PHP5.3 compatibility
* PHPC-218: Provision ubuntu image and install & run the test suite
* PHPC-216: PHP5.3 test suite fixes
* PHPC-217: Include the connection tests in pecl package
* PHPC-213: Memory alignment issues on FreeBSD
* PHPC-216: PHP5.3 test suite fixes
* PHPC-212: undefined symbol: _mongoc_sasl_set_service_host - patch by remi@php.net

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