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Top Level :: Database :: DBDO :: 0.1.0

DBDO 0.1.0

This package is not maintained, if you would like to take over please go to this page.
Package Information
Summary Database DataObjects
Maintainers Alan Knowles < alan at akbkhome dot com > (lead) [details]
License PHP
Description DEAD - I'm not working on this, - currently PEAR::DB_DataObjects does all I need, so there is no motivation to carry on with it.

DBDO performs 2 tasks:
1. Builds SQL statements based on the objects vars and the builder methods.
2. acts as a datastore for a table row. (ORM)
The core class is designed to be extended for each of your tables so
that you put the data logic inside the data classes.

For the most part, refer to this for documentation
and the project home page for any changes in method names.

The key differences between DataObjects and DBDO are:
- PHP5 only
- query() / with no arguments replaces find()
- assignFrom replaces setFrom
- DBDO::factory('dbalias','table') has 2 arguments, first being the db alias
- Configuration done using static methods.
DBDO::config('dbalias', 'provider','Mysql');
DBDO::config('dbalias', 'cnc','database=XYZ');
- Addition of FetchAll
- Error handling
* Throws exceptions for database errors / unusual stuff
* E_ERROR's and dies if you use it incorrectly (eg. fixable at code level)
- No support for joins yet.. (On the TODO list)

Building it Requires libgda (www.gnome-db.org), currently from CVS, which can be a pain.

- Win32 support is theoretically possible, it just requires someone to spend time working
out how to build libgda (which has windows makefiles) and this library.
Homepage http://www.akbkhome.com/wiki.php/DBDO/index.html
Release notes
Version 0.1.0
- Initial Packaged Release

At this point, DBDO is working on at least one web site, so it is undergoing
testing, and needs more people to come up with ideas to improve it, or just
find more reproducable bugs..

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Dependencies for release 0.1.0
No dependencies registered.
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