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Changelog for bcompiler
Release What has changed?
1.0.2 Finally a stable release - Many thanks for Val for looking after the package.

- release with correct version number in source.
1.0.1 Finally a stable release - Many thanks for Val for looking after the package.

- oops - fix build failure..
1.0.0 Finally a stable release - Many thanks for Val for looking after the package.

- sources split to several files
- bcompiler.debug and bcompiler.debugfile ini entries to control debugging
- interfaces are serialized
- reflection info is serialized
- try to detect __FILE__ and __DIR__, bcompiler.detect_filedir=0 turns it off
- bug with not looking for gz/bz2 compressed sources in include_path fixed
- bug with handling classes when classname+filename > 127 bytes fixed
- bcompiled files are properly displayed in get_included_files()
- support for new superglobals
- fix segfault in bc_serialize_Filedir
0.9.3 - critical bugs fixed
0.9.2 - bcompiler_set_filename_handler() to change filename written into the bytecode
- test suite
- bugfixes
0.9.1 - PHP 5.3 and 6.0-dev support
- bugfixes
0.8 - bugfix release
- preliminary PHP6 support
0.7 - APC-bcompiler interaction (so, you can use both at the same time)
- many bugs were fixed
- some code clean-up
0.6 - added bcompiler_write_file() function to compile entire .php script
- added support for gzip compressed bytecodes and auto-detect of the bz2 and zlib extensions
- Zend Engine 2 and 2.1 support (for PHP versions 5.0.x and 5.1.x)
- bug with incorrect handling include_once() and require_once() fixed
- many memory leaks fixed
- added support for stand-alone executables creating
0.5 - Added Functional Compiling (Valentin Solop)
- Added Included file list - alpha
- Lots of Windows Build fixes (Ernani Joppert Pontes Martins)
- bug #23981 & #23852 fixed some bz2 checking (per at nobolt dot com)
0.4 - It actually works now! (decompiler fixed so it doesnt segfault)
- Added compiler script to convert groups of php files/classes to bytecodes
- Lots of Windows Build fixes, hopefully a windows version will be available soon.
0.3 First Release in PECL


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